Rental Details
Paying Rent Should Be Seamless
Settling your rent should be as straightforward as handling any other bill. With our system, you can harness the convenience of online banking, ensuring your rent is effortlessly managed. Opt for automatic withdrawals on the first of every month, or choose our budget-friendly bi-weekly payment option.
After finalizing the lease agreement, you will receive a link to set up your ACH payments. This eliminates the need to coordinate rent collection times with your property manager.
The best part? This service is entirely free. Enjoy hassle-free payments with us!
Screen Processing
We're devoted to ensuring safe, quality, and affordable housing. As such, we've established a thorough screening and application process for all potential residents. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Step 1
: Begin by reviewing our
New Resident Qualifications
. It's essential that we align on expectations from the outset.
Step 2
: Fill out the
Pre-Screening Form, ensuring you match the criteria detailed in our New Resident Qualifications. Once submitted, our team will meticulously review your details and guide you to the subsequent phase.
Step 3
: After the Pre-Screening Form is verified, you'll be prompted to
finalize the application
via our online partner,
. An application fee of $39.99 per applicant is necessary, accounting for credit assessment, background verification, and the evaluation of your rental history.
Step 4
: Our dedicated application committee will then deliberate on your submission, aiming for a swift yet comprehensive evaluation.
Step 5